Platinum (Reg): Platinum, 1st in 

Contemporary Category, 2nd Place Overall 

Junior Duo/Trio, "Let It Go" Judge's ​Award

Vip: Diamond, 3rd in Junior Contemporary

Division, 6th Place Overall ​Junior Duo/Trio

Showstopper: Double Platinum, 2nd in 

Junior Contemporary Category, 8th Overall

Junior Duo/Trio

​Platinum (Nat): Platinum, "Fantastic Focus"

Judge's Award

Platinum (Reg): ​gold

Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper:Platinum, 3rd in Junior 

Contemporary Category, 8th Overall Junior


​Platinum (Nat): ​Platinum

Platinum (Reg): ​Gold

Vip: Platinum, 1st in Mini Hip Hop

Division, 8th Overall Mini Duo/Trio

Showstopper: Platinum, 1st in Mini

Hip Hop Category

​Platinum (Nat): High Gold, Champion

of Junior Hip Hop Category

Platinum (Reg): High Gold

Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper: ​Platinum

​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum (Reg):​Gold

Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper: ​Platinum

​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum (Reg):Gold

Vip: Platinum, Future Star Award, 2nd in

Mini Lyrical Division

Showstopper:Platinum, 2nd in Junior

​Lyrical Category

​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum (Reg): ​Gold

Vip: Diamond, 2nd in Junior Jazz 

Division, 8th Place overall Junior 


Showstopper: Platinum, 2nd in Teen

Jazz Category

​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum(Reg): Platinum, 3rd Overall Teen Large Group

VIP: ​Diamond, 8th Overall Teen Super Group

Showstopper: Double Platinum, 2nd in Teen Hip Hop Category, 5th Overall Teen Large Group

Platinum (Nat): ​Platinum

Platinum(Reg): ​High Gold

VIP: ​Platinum

Showstopper:​Platinum, 1st in Junior Jazz Category, 3rd Overall Junior Large Group

Platinum (Nat): ​High Gold

Platinum(Reg): High Gold, Contemporary Choreography Award

VIP: ​Platinum

Showstopper: ​Gold

Platinum (Nat): High Gold

**We are very proud of our REGIONAL CHAMPIONS: Poison, Fly Girls, and Checkmate

Platinum (Reg): ​Platinum

Vip: Diamond, 9th Place Overall Mini Solo, 

​Judge's Choice Award

Showstopper:Double Platinum, 1st in Mini 

​Jazz Category, 3rd Overall Mini Solo

​Platinum (Nat): ​High Gold

Platinum (Reg): Platinum, 5th Overall​ Teen


Vip: ​Diamond, 2nd in Teen Contemporary Division,

2nd Overall Teen Duo/Trio

Showstopper: Double Platinum, 2nd in Teen 

Contemporary Category, 3rd Overall Teen ​Duo/Trio

​Platinum (Nat): Platinum, "Total Package"Judge's

Award, Champion of teen Contemporary Category, 5th

Overall teen Duo/Trio

Platinum(Reg): ​Platinum

VIP: Platinum, 1st in Teen tap Division, 10th Overall Teen Small Group, Costume Award

Showstopper: Gold, 2nd in Teen Tap Category

Platinum (Nat): Platinum, "Great Staging" Judge's Award, 20th Overall Teen Small Group

Platinum(Reg): High Gold

VIP: ​Platinum, 2nd in Senior Contemporary Division, 2nd Overall Senior Small Group

Showstopper: Platinum, 1st in Senior Contemporary Category, 9th Overall Senior Small Group

Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum(Reg): Platinum, 1st in Hip Hop Category, 1st Overall Petite Large Group

VIP: ​Platinum, 2nd in Mini Hip Hop Division, 5th Place Overall Mini Large Group

Showstopper: ​Platinum, 1st in Mini Hip Hop Category, 1st Overall Mini Large Group

Platinum (Nat): High Gold, Junior Hip Hop choreography Award 

Platinum (Reg):​High Gold

Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper:Platinum, 1st in Teen Jazz


​Platinum (Nat): ​ Gold

Platinum(Reg): ​High Gold

VIP: Platinum, 3rd in Junior Contemporary Division, Standout Award

Showstopper: Platinum, 1st in Junior Contemporary Category, 1st Overall Junior Large Group

Platinum (Nat): Platinum, Junior Contemporary Choreography Award, 7th Overall Junior Large gRoup

Platinum (Reg):High Gold, 1st Overall

Senior Duo/Trio

Vip: Platinum, 2nd in Senior Jazz Division,

3rd Overall Senior Duo/Trio

Showstopper:Platinum, 1st in Senior

Jazz Category, 6th Overall Senior Duo/Trio

​Platinum (Nat): High Gold

Platinum (Reg): ​Gold

Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper: ​Platinum

​Platinum (Nat): Gold

Platinum (Reg): High Gold, 17th Overall

​Teen Solo

Vip: Platinum

Showstopper: ​Platinum

​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

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2022-2023 Season

Platinum(Reg): Platinum, 1st in Tap Category, 4th Overall Junior Large Group, Tap Choreography Award

VIP: Platinum, 1st in Mini Tap Division, 7th Place Overall Mini Large Group

Showstopper: Platinum, 1st in Junior Tap Category, 4th Overall Junior Large Group

Platinum (Nat): Platinum, "Cute & Sassy" Judge's Award, 8th Overall Junior Large Group

Platinum(Reg): ​High Gold

VIP: Diamond, 3rd in Junior Jazz Division, 7th Place Overall Junior Small Group

Showstopper: Platinum, 1st in Teen Jazz Category

Platinum (Nat): High Gold, "Locked In' Judge's Award

Platinum (Reg): Platinum, 10th Overall

Teen Solo, "Future Performer" Judge's 


Vip: ​Platinum

Showstopper:Platinum, 1st in Teen Jazz


​Platinum (Nat): ​Gold

Platinum(Reg): ​High Gold

VIP: ​Platinum

Showstopper: Platinum, 2nd in Teen Jazz Category

Platinum (Nat): ​High Gold